Three million children in US are reported abused every year.


Three million children in US are reported abused every year.

Abused by parents and other family members, religious leaders, teachers and other authority figures.

60,000 children in Ireland have been abused by Catholic priests at the rate of 1000 reported cases a year for 60 years.

Catholic Bishops have hidden, moved, and covered up priests that have abused children.

Many cases are not reported.

More than four children die every day as a result of child abuse.

It is estimated that 60 % of maltreated children are not recorded as such on their death certificates.

70% of children that die from child abuse are under the age of four.

90% of the children abused know their perpetrator.

30% of the abused children will later abuse their own children.

80% of 21 year olds that have been abused as children had at least one psychological disorder.

The estimated annual cost of child abuse in the US for 2008 was $124 billion.

20 reasons to abandon all religions

They are based on fear: Islam, Christianity and Judism all have a hell to look forward to after death.

They prey on the innocent:  Catholic priests abusing children, Jews and Islam lowering the status of women.

They are based on dishonesty: 73 virgins, angels, shrouds, ghosts, magic…heaven…’s better to believe..lip service.

They are all egocentric: ( Christians , jews , Islam ) are God’s chosen people, any other is a false God, a false prophet.

They all breed arrogance: a chosen people mentality, eternal life………….

They all breed authoritarianism: if you don’t believe exactly as the book says,  you will go to hell.

They are cruel: bombs from Islam, Catholics, Protestants, Jews. Do not love your neighbor.

They are all anti-intellect and anti-scientific. For over a millennium arrested scientific thought and the natural world.

They all have a morbid unhealthy preoccupation with sex. not thy neighbors wife, but okay for his slave.

They all produce sexual misery: no abortions, God will provide.

They all have a narrow , legalistic view of morality. Everything not mentioned is permitted.

They all accept real evils and  focus on imaginary evils. You will always have the poor.

They all depreciate the natural world.

They all model authoritarian, hierarchial,  organizations, only men rule..

They all sanction slavery, African slave trade controlled by Christians..

They all favor misogynists.  ‘How can man be clean if born from woman?

They are all homophobic. ‘Thou shall not lie with mankind as with womankind: it is an abomination’.

They all have books that are not reliable guides to their teachings.

Their books are riddled with contradictions.

They all borrow their central myths from ancient religions. 

Abuse scandal

Pope Francis said Friday that he took personal responsibility for the evil of priests who raped and molested children. Asking forgiveness from victims and saying the church must be bolder in it’s efforts to protect the young. It was the First Time a pope has taken responsibility for sex crimes of his priests and begged forgiveness. Francis’ remarks were the latest signs that he has become sensitized to the gravity of the abuse scandal after coming under criticism from
victims’ advocacy groups for a perceived lack of attention. 4/12/14

From Dear Abby …


From Dear Abby I think about death, in the sense of what happens when one dies. I believe in the heaven or hell theory, although I am not sure I want to go to heaven. The relatives who have gone before me were very abusive and at the end made a ‘last minute’
redemption speech.. With that in mind, I do not want to spend an eternity with the same people that I wanted to make a quick exit from earth. I AM NOT A BIG BELIEVER IN THE FORGIVENESS THING. Forgiving adults who do things to children then wish to be forgiven later is something I cannot do. Do you think that God would just let us sleep thoughout eternity rather that meet family members on the ‘other side’? Rev Sanger : Stop thinking of heaven as a place or that you need a scorecard to get there. ‘A merciful God will make a heaven that you need – and in your case a place for liberation from those troubled people.



There is a surprising amount of organized religion in prison. As troubled men we seek solace, peace , comfort , and guidance . We’ve been humiliated, humbled, stripped bare of dignity, family, assets and we have nothing left. Cast into hell, we look upward for a way out. There are a few Muslims that pray five times a day and stick to themselves. There is a self-appointed Buddhist  monk  with a few followers.  No Jews or Mormons that I know.  There are us Christians, and this is where it gets complicated. A Catholic priest comes in twice a month and serves a Mass at eight o’clock in the morning. As soon as the Catholics clear out of the small chapel, a nondenominational service is held from those mainline churches: Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist and so on..  This is where Ifit in on most Sundays. At ten o’clock the white Pentacostals gather for a rowdy service with loud music and even louder preaching along with healing and speaking of tongues. This service is supposed to end at eleven but often runs longer as the spirit moves among the worshippers. The black Pentecostals get the church after the whites simmer down. I’ve heard stories of words between the two groups, but so far no fights have  erupted in the chapel. Once the black Pentecostals get the pulpit  keep it throughout the afternoon..

It would be wrong to get the impression that Frostburg is filled with bible-thumpers, it is still a prison and the majority of the prisoners would not be caught bead in a church service.

John Grisham


104 dead as bombers strike funerals for the third day in Iraq.  Both Shia and Sunni have bombed the others ‘ funerals. 4000 dead from Apr -Aug

81 dead at All Saints Christian Church in Pakistan after the church bombed.

68 killed in Kenyan Mall as gunmen yelled ‘Allah Akbar’, 20 attackers , including three women asked people what religion they were; if Muslim they were freed, if Christian or Hindu they were killed